How to find the HCF and LCM of fractions?

science dood

Well to understand that how you can find the LCM and HCF of the given factors,you should also know about what is the LCM and HCF. Because many time you may face the questions in which you will have to understand the real meaning of LCM and HCF and then you will be able to give the answer that question. So its very important that you should know that what is the real meaning of LCM and HCF.
Actually I have faced many of my students in 12th standard and other technical course students who are very good but they don't know this small thing that actually what's the LCM and HCF indicate.And they were feeling difficulty during solving easy maths question.
So whenever you go to learn something new its very important to understand its real meaning that how its work and where all of places, we may need this.
science dood
And this condition is not only apply for students but this conditions is also apply on some teachers.I remember one time when I was in my engineering 1st seamster. One of my teacher was solving a question on black board and I was shocked when I saw that he was stop on a calculation and was not able to solve it because he didn't know the real meaning of that.
So I hope you have understood it that how dangerous is it to ignore these small small things.

So I come to the point let's start.


The LCM mean Lowest Common Factor.As shown whith its name its indicate the lowest common term in the given factors. Its mean if there is two,three or more given factors in the question then the LCM of these factors indicate that this is the minimum number which can be divided by every factor.In other word LCM indicate that this is the minimum or lowest quality which evry term, factor or product has.In my personal experience it can be understood by this example.

Suppose there is a disease and there is various type of medicines available in the market to recover frome this disease so all the medicine have the cure of this disease.Its mean that this disease is the LCM of all medicine because all the medicines of this disease have quality to recover from this disease.

How to get LCM

Well once you understand the real meaning of LCM its not a big deal to understand how to get LCM.

For this I generate an example so that you can easily understand most of the situation which may be make in such questions. So understand this example

Question;- Get the LCM of  18, 22 and 42 ?

Answer with explanation:-

First do the factor of every term whereas the given terms is two,three or more.

Factors of 18 = 2*3*3

Factors of 22 = 2*11

Factors of 42 = 2*3*7

Now write LCM and then write that numbers which is common in maximum term and after that write that number which is common in two ,three or more factors. And at last write remained number of every term.
Whole meaning is this that if any number is available in all term or any two terms then you just write it only one time.And then you have to write all the remained number which were not common in terms.
Like this,

LCM           =     2 (common in every term) * 3 (common in first & third term) * 3 ( remaind in first term) * 11 (Remained in second term) * 7 (remained in third term)

LCM = 2 * 3 * 3 * 11 * 7
          = 1386 Ans

*Just remember one thing "Do not write a number again which is common in two or more terms if you already write it one time".


Well HCF full form is Highest Common Factor.And its more easy to understand about HCF than to understand about LCM.  As also shown its name this is the highest common term in given factors.Its mean if there is two,three or more given factors in the question then the HCF of these factors indicate that this is the maximum number which can divide every given factor.In other word HCF indicate that this is the maximum or highest quality which evry term, factor or product has.In my personal experience it can be understand by this example.

Suppose there is many disease and there is only one medicine available in the market to recover frome this disease. So only this is the medicine have the cure of this disease.Its mean that this medicine is the HCF of all disease because only this one medicine has the quality to recover from all disease.

How to get HCF;-

Well you may face some problems to understanding LCM but not in HCF. Its very very easy.
 I am going to explain it with above mentioned example so that you can understand it so easily.

Question;- Get the HCF of 18, 22 and 42 ?
Answer with explanation:-

First do the factor of every term whereas the given terms is two, three or more

Factors of 18 = 2*3*3

Factors of 22 = 2*11

Factors of 42 = 2*3*7

Now you can see what is the common number or numbers in all the terms.
So then

HCF      =       2 ( Common in every term)      Ans

*So to get HCF "Just write all the common factors only one time".

*I hope you have understood it if still have any questions ask  frequently.

                              #Happy Help
